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Satan Challenges Christ With Full Negative Force

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The Miracle of God

Some say he was the 10th ruler of the 18th dynasty, Maybe he was, Maybe he was not, This does not concern us, What deserves our attention is his new idealogy, Suppose in the sea of scums suddenly a tulip rises, that was Akhenaton, In the land of idolatry, tyranny, abuse and slavery for continuous centuries, he elbows out all traditions, challenging the evil high priests of Amon and starts talking about Aton, The God.

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Doctor Antoine Mesmer, the founder of mesmerism or hypnotism, he started studying the animal bio-magnetic energy and then extend it to human bio-magnetic energy, reaching the levels that even he became successful to cure a blind girl with his force, his patients adored him, he never cured them for money or position, most of his patients were cured out of charge, a man of honor and a real scientist. He also was one of the main directors of the revolution of France. May his soul rest in peace.

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German Warrior

Arminio or as some say Arminus was originally German,  He fought ten years as a Roman General for Rome, Yet Roman's tyranny toward all conquered nations opened his eyes and he became one of the greatest leaders of German tribes against Rome. An absolute master in tactic and strategy on the battlefield, if we may say so Erwin Romell of his own time,  History registered many victories in his name as the war of teuoburg in 9 AD and many many others.

Kian William Nowrouzian



Charlotte Cordie

Jean Paul Marat,  The masacre of black September which was directed by him turned his appetite for blood on! Let's listen to him at the national convention:

... Behead 10000 bodies, Behead 20000 bodies, we must make the enemy of revolution paralyzed with fear, shivering them with terror...

The year is 1793, Terror is everywhere, the trajectory of revolution is diverted from Lightness to darkness. Charlotte was an educated french girl from an average family, a real french sweet heart yet with a soul made of steel. She decided to kill Marat for the crimes he had commited and she did that. She was condemned to death by the revolutionary court and executed by guillotine, May her soul rests in peace

Kian William Nowrouzian  

La Fayette

Louis 16th had returned back to Paris from Varen after his unsuccessful escape to go abroad. Many Parisians with the leadership of Jean-Paul Marat decided to declare Republic for France with no legal procedure. In national convention La Fayette at tribune:

...I am reported irresponsible citizens belong to the Cordelier district are going to gather in Champ de Marse so that they will declare Republic. I demand the national Convention to enforce martial law and prevent this gathering.

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